Site Improvements 2020
I took back my website.
I took it back from the claws of Jekyll and Ruby. I took it back from some random template among a few that were immediately available. I took it back from my own ignorance of modern web technology.
This time, I rewrote the hole effing thing from scratch.
The Why
The last time I ended with
I wrote the most Ruby in my life today. Yay?
That question mark turned out to be prescient. Ruby is not my thing. No judgement against the language per ce. But the Ruby ecosystem is not friendly to a casual user who needs it once every few months. No really, when I write an article, it's a toss-up whether I can deploy it without being forced to mess with Ruby/Gems/Jekyll/Homebrew etc. I'm almost certain there's a set of best practices I could learn to improve this. But it'd be a skill that I barely need and probably forget a few times. Meanwhile I just want to translate a new Markdown file to HTML and put it on Github.
As a teen, one of my favorite things about the web is how accessible it is. I could sit in front of anyone's computer, open Notepad.exe and type in some tags, and open the file with a browser to see the result. That simple bootstrap process, however repetitive, never got old for me.
In the last decade, my professional work is focused on native, mobile applications. This experience biased me in a few ways. "Native" made me appreciate the closeness to "the metal": you have an OS; you get the executable; you launch strace, and boom, everything the OS thinks what your code does is revealed to you. "Mobile" forced me to reckon with the reality: desktop experience has become a niche. It's nowhere near as important as it was prior to the iPhone. Not making your software run well on mobile devices is a particular kind of choice that come with some severe trade-offs.
And, finally, I subscribe to the idea that plain text is supreme. Yes, even more supreme than the web. This website is a derivative of the articles I write in Markdown. Plain text as a format will out-last the web in the long run (not necessarily these texts). So it really bothers me when I have to put "front matter" in YAML/TOML/whatever in front of the real Markdown. Yes, if you want reasonable HTMLs, these metadata is necessary. But the text is Supreme. The text is to be readable directly. Succumbing the supreme to the derivative is wrong.
Okay, so where does all that leave me? In this iteration of this website, I wrote every single line of CSS and HTML (there's barely any JavaScript) which look decent on mobile. It's generated by portable Linux and Darwin executables that are part of the website. As long as the OSes stay relatively stable, the site will build without any dependencies, in a matter of milliseconds. The best part? It'll stay like this unless I wish it otherwise.
The Frontend
A few words on the design of the site.
This site gained the concept of "links" the last time. It has since become clear that I don't use this feature (blame Twitter). It's gone, for now. The old "about" page is replaced by the home page.
When I decided the site needed a rewrite, I fantasized a place with only HTML. Perhaps users who want a better reading experience can simply put it in Reader mode. Alas, if browsers (with the exception of Safari) implemented automatic dark mode with a color-scheme meta tag, it'd almost be a working idea.
So, that's my starting point.
The site is a list of articles organized by tags and dates, and a few web pages. I want you to read the site, not navigate it. So text is the point. It's the only design element. The site uses 2 fonts and 2 text-color (not counting highlighted code). Links are always underscored (because you can't hover in mobile browsers to find something clickable).
The site is responsive to mobile layout, and dark mode. It's aware that it could be added to the home screen of a mobile device, or linked to some external site that wants to generate a preview.
I did end up using solarized theme for code highlighting, which lead to 2 static CSS files. Other than that, all CSS and HTML are hand-written. There's no build step for them, farm to table, Vim to your browser.
It turned out standardized CSS variable is game-changing. Combined with media queries, I barely needed any class to support dark mode/mobile layout. More importantly, it makes my programmer brain happy. Oh, yes I'm talking about them here because this is the first time I truly attempted to catch up since they were introduced to the world. It's freeing to let go of constrains of an read-to-use theme, or some CSS frameworks.
The Backend
This site is a collection of static files. The so-called backend is a program that assembles these files from some HTML templates and Markdown files. In the past, this program had been Jekyll. This time around, I replaced it with some Rust code.
Boy, this thing is cool, if I say so myself. I'm going to refer to it as "the generator".
The biggest "feature" is the fact that it doesn't pretend to be re-usable. The generator is as part of this site as the articles.
Thanks to Rust, the programs are built into executable binaries. On macOS, it requires libSystem to run. On Linux, I can (and prefer) build with musl. The binaries for these two OSes are checked in with the content of the site. So it requires zero installation to "build" the site. (I may need to include a 3rd executable for the upcoming ARM-based Macs soon).
The generator spits out the final content of the website. It's deployed without further modification.
The build process is pretty fast. As of this writing, it averages around 250 ms. I could probably make it faster by avoiding some repeated reads when it comes to article inputs.
The generator handles HTML/XML templating with a library named Askama. Learning it had been an eye opening experience. Askama is built atop Rust's macro system. For each template (e.g. web page), it requires users to write a Rust data structure that fulfills its variable requirements. Here's the kicker: in this data structure, you cannot miss any variable the corresponding template requires. When you do, the Rust project won't compile! Rust's tooling is so good that these errors were surfaced in my editor as I wrote this part in real time. This level of type-safety for template language felt like magic.
Syntax highlighting is powered by syntect, the library behind bat. But the interesting bit here is how the syntax definitions are embedded within the final executable. To support a particular syntax, syntect takes the syntax's SublimeText definition. So this is a configurable, extendible system. The generator includes 118 syntax definitions. Uncompressed, their files take up 5MB of disk space. As one can imagine, loading 5MB from 118 files each time the program runs is quite slow. Turns out, Rust has a standard library macro include_bytes! that solves this problem. include_bytes! embeds contents of a file as literals in source code, as if it's hand-written. syntect takes advantage of this feature by supporting serialization of its in-memory representation of syntaxes into bytes, and accepting in-line byte literals in reverse in order to create these representations. This system solves two problems for me:
- I no longer need to ship the SublimeText syntax files along with the generator.
- The generator doesn't need to perform all that disk I/O, so it runs significantly faster.
Overall, the Rust ecosystem delivered. Although a lot of library are still in rough shape/early stage, there usually are multiple alternatives for roughly the same purpose. Gluing a few of them together for this generator project had been fun.
Finally, let's talk metadata, I can't realistically manage to generate the site
without them. Articles and static pages each define their URL by their file
locations relative to the root. For example, /articles/2020/04/23/
means the URL is /2020/04/23/hello/
. Each article still has a front matter.
But I made the text version look as "natural" as possible. There's no markers
for beginning and end of the metadata since I know exactly what's needed. The
title is marked as an H1. Date is in RFC3339 format. Tags are comma-separated
values. So an example of an article's beginning looks like:
# Site Improvements 2020
tags: Rust, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Jekyll, Markdown
I took back my website...
Text supremacy! Glory!
Over the course of roughly 15 years, I've had blogs of quite a few variates. I wish I'd done a better job archiving them as I moved on from one to the next. This is not the first time I attempted to gain full control over the theming, generating, hosting, and deployment of a site. But I'm hopeful that it'll last longer. You could say that's what I optimized for. And who knew, maybe my experience from past failures counts for something.
Here's to less stressful deploys and more writing!